Anxiety Counselling
A certain amount of worry is normal and useful. If we worry about a possible future event, it can help us to prepare for it. However, in some people, worry gets out of hand. When this happens, people spend a substantial proportion of their time focusing on the worry, without ever really resolving the issues they are concerned about. Despite trying hard to stop the worry, people find that it recurs incessantly, and becomes very difficult to control. The 'what ifs' become a big part of their reality and create many blockages for the individual that can lead to demotivation and procrastination in their day to day living. The anxiety associated with such worries often creates ongoing feelings of tension, agitation, irritability, fatigue, sleep disturbance, and/or difficulty concentrating. Sometimes the worrying thoughts can be so persistent that they interfere with productivity and performance at work or school, and get in the way of enjoying everyday life.
Our Psychologists assist people to reduce their worrying to more manageable and normal levels and reduce their impact on their lives by exploring the nature and extent of the anxiety and working closely with individuals to learn the right techniques to rationalize and live comfortably with the uncertainties of life.
PTSD Trauma Counselling
EMDR is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma. EMDR therapy includes a set of standardised protocols that incorporate elements from many different treatment approaches and has relieved psychological trauma for millions of people of all ages. The technique shifts the way yo process the presence of the physical, emotional, and psychological effects related specifically to a traumatic event. The pain and sense of danger carried within the self after a traumatic event creates such high emotional intensity that it leads into a sense of being in emotional quicksand. EMDR works to disarm belief systems, also known as cognition, and changes the negative cognition through a series of lateral eye movements, tapping, or sound, while the client is asked to create the picture of pain and danger (trauma) that most disturbs them.
Our Psychologists are training and experienced assisting clients to move through and process the trauma still creating a range of negative impacts on the clients life. Revive Psychology using a range of audio and pulsing pads in addition to a light-bar to create fairly noticeable results in as little as one session.
Stress & Burnout Counselling
Stress can build up over time at work or at home. We may not fully know what factors in the situation make it seem so stressful. Sometimes we worry a lot about everyday occurrences, and life seems filled with stress. Sometimes things have happened to us, recently or in the more distant past, which may result in us having ‘triggers’ that we may or may not know we have.
In turn, triggers can lead to us responding in various ways – such as ‘never having enough time’, or being always focused on work, being too serious too often and not having space for fun or times with family and friends, being too quick to anger, over-eating, drinking too much and/or self-medicating in other ways. Our Psychologists have expertise in the corporate setting assisting individuals to create a healthier balance between the workplace ,home and self domains. Becoming familiar with the 4 quadrants of life and understanding how to balance them in relation to your time, focus and energy can make all the difference between you thriving and merely surviving.
Relationship Difficulties
Our Psychologists assist individuals in a variety of relationships ( business partners, marriage, family or other) to work through problems in a constructive, objective manner where both parties are equally heard and conversations are facilitated to ensure outcomes are achieved.
Our Psychologists work towards providing a ‘safe haven’ in which to explore the interactions and dynamics at play within relationships so that the proper course of action may be chosen which will enhance the well-being of all involved. In particular, we focused on providing marriage coaching and separation coaching. We are also able to refer on for divorce counselling. A service that assists couples to amicably work through the process of divorce in a less emotive state with the goal of coming out the other side respecting and still maintaining a level of care and support for the other.
Marriage Coaching
Marriage coaching is different from marriage counselling. The coaching approach is action-oriented, goals focused and based on metrics. The initial assessments completed by each individual provide valuable information on the areas of disconnect in the relationship as well as serve to provide a wealth of information to assist each couple to gain a more comprehensive insight into the 'why' underpinning their partner's behaviour. Through this insight, a greater appreciation for each other can be developed and new ways of being in your relationship can be achieved.
This service is for those couples who are committed to staying together but have come to a point in their relationship where they want and need more from themselves, their partner and the overall relationship. The metrics are a range of relationship-focused assessments designed by the GOTTMAN institute. The Gottman Institute has spent the best part of 30 years exploring and assessing relationships and providing couples with the tools and know-how to create long-lasting healthy relationships.
The Process
Couples are invited to have individual sessions with the Psychologist to individually explore the partnership challenges and to reflect on the goals and expectations of therapy. Once the individual sessions have been completed each partner will receive a variety of assessments online to complete. Once these have been completed a debriefing session will take place with the couple to provide insight and context to the results and begin the journey of constructing the areas for ongoing focus and coaching. Ongoing sessions will consist of 90-minute sessions bi-weekly. These usually will be for approximately 4-6 weeks depending on the need of the partnership. As the relationship starts to develop the strategies and behaviours desired for better functioning and healthier outcomes sessions can become monthly 'check-in' sessions to help with the maintenance of new behaviours and to continue to assess and adapt strategies where needed. The sessions can gradually be decreased to suit the couple once they feel they have created the relationship of choice, learnt new strategies for dealing with challenges and are ready to go on their own.
Separation Coaching
Separation Coaching is for couples who have decided to separate (whether trialling separation or actually separating) and would like to ultimately achieve a harmonious parting of ways. Too often the pain and hurt individuals experience when going through a separation clouds judgement and produces unhealthy destructive behaviours. These behaviours can create unnecessary irreversible long-lasting effects on all involved, in particular, the children if involved. Learning strategies to explore and effectively deal with the uncertainty, hurt and pain that results when separating from a partner will assist individuals to feel more in control of their emotions and ultimately choose behaviours and ways of communicating with their ex-partner, that are healthier in both the short and long term.
Confidence & Self Esteem Counselling
Self-esteem is the degree to which we feel confident, consider ourselves valuable, and respect ourselves, and this greatly affects our well-being. Self-esteem exists on a continuum, from high to low, and low self-esteem is associated with self-doubt, self-criticism, social isolation, suppressed anger, and shame. Low self-esteem can also be a symptom of several mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression.
In adulthood, even well-developed self-esteem can be challenged by sudden life changes or perceived failures, such as losing a job or changing jobs, ending an intimate relationship, having legal or financial troubles, struggling with addiction or substance abuse, having children with emotional troubles, physical health concerns, or a host of other events that might cause us to question our worth or value. Counselling can help put such events in perspective and enhance strengths to increase resilience, social support, and hope.
Our Psychologists frequently address issues like low self-esteem and help people to gain a stronger sense of self. People with low self-esteem may work closely with our Psychologists on becoming more assertive, confident, and self-aware. Finding a sense of accomplishment is a huge boost to self-esteem, and therapy can help people identify specific activities that boost confidence and competence. In addition, our Psychologists focus on helping individuals develop self-compassion so that they can develop more realistic, achievable goals for themselves and treat themselves with the same kindness and encouragement they would generally offer others.
General Counselling
Sometimes life gets complicated and you may feel you are losing sight of your purpose and find it difficult to ascertain what's really important to you and know what brings you satisfaction and adds value to your life. General counselling will assist in developing and bringing clarity, perspective, and understanding of your world. It assists to bring together mental, emotional, and physical well being through exploring options available to you and putting in place goal-orientated plans to direct you towards what you want to be achieving.
Sessions could include:
Developing clarity, objectivity, and perspective on current life issues/situations
Talking through and debriefing from stressful life situations
Developing strategies, techniques, and wise ways of working with stress
Personal and professional performance issues/enhancement
Working with anxiety around certain life challenges
Understanding and working with emotions, our own and other
Issues relating to self-esteem & confidence for life challenges
Developing communication skills in relationships
Goal clarification and setting ( Professional and Personal)
Developing meaning and motivation in our life
Health & Wellness Counselling
Diets do not work. 95% of people who lose weight by dieting regain it in 1-5 years. Recent studies on the 'failings' of diets highlighted overeating and obesity to not be the central problems, but attempted solutions to cope with alternative psychological dysfunction brought on by trauma in childhood or adolescence.
Maintaining good health and being comfortable in our skin is unique to each person. What might be the right weight for one person differs from another. We are constantly bombarded with 'the perfect look' which for most people is unrealistic and not attainable. Losing weight for the long term is about learning a new appreciation for feeling 'good' for you and gaining the ideal shape that suits you and makes you feel good. Looking at our relationship with food and exploring the real reasons behind our choice of food intake assists individuals to gain back a sense of control and empowerment when making healthy choices over unhealthy ones.
Our Psychologists will help to assist you to look at strategies to put in place to become more health-conscious and aware when it comes to making food, exercise, and overall day to day choices about your health and happiness. You won't need to use 'willpower' to 'eat right' you'll learn to want to look after yourself and treat yourself well and enjoy the enormous benefits that good health & positive body image can give you.
Trauma Counselling
Trauma , being childhood, relationship, workplace or other can have a major impact on our lives if left unresolved and processed. Many of us are facing challenges that have been stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions can make us feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety.
Stress and anxiety if left unresolved can cause the following:
Feelings of fear, anger, sadness, worry, numbness, or frustration
Changes in appetite, energy, desires, and interests
Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
Difficulty sleeping or nightmares
Physical reactions, such as headaches, body pains, stomach problems, and skin rashes
Worsening of chronic health problems
Worsening of mental health conditions
Increased use of tobacco, alcohol, and other substances
Psychologists will help you to gain perspective on your situation, discuss your concerns in a safe environment, and assist you to put in place strategies and actions to achieve the structure and balance you need to move forward in a positive functional manner.
* Please see our fee structure page for the associated fees for our areas of expertise.